~ Y.S.B.Happy ~

~ You should be HAPPY, You voted for this … ~ Before you continue reading, you should understand that I am very aware of how I come across, that I am perceived or can be perceived as an asshole. I’m not; I’m very direct & I’m not ashamed of this, nor will I ever be apologetic for it. I do not sugarcoat anything or throw verbal/readable punches. If things are how they are or feel to me based on actual facts, that is precisely how I address them. Talking about it repeatedly does not help me, it doesn’t make me feel better & it is not therapeutic in any way. It only fuels my own anxiety about what is coming down the pipeline. For me, the fact that life has been ‘punching down’ (and if you have ever watched Dave Chapelle’s standup The Closer, yes, I am taking that term from there because it certainly pertains to this; his was an entirely different road for the term, yet the meaning is the same) but the fact that life has been ‘punching down’ on me my entire life & it’s about to again because the person who made fun of a reporter with my condition is now running the country & will be directly affecting my life & I’m supposed to get over it or deal with this or stop overreacting or being labeled as overdramatic, NO. This makes it seem like everyone who has ever made fun of me at any time in my life, to my face, is now running the country & continuing to punch down on me from a societal perspective. And those I know/are in my life who voted for this are no different to me than they are. You might as well start making fun of me because that’s precisely what this is like. Putting them in charge tells me that they/you are perfectly fine with me being made fun of & that I will now be treated less than others is just fine. I understand that it may sound stupid/over dramatic, but that’s exactly what this is. Because after that happened, it absolutely did, in fact, happen to me, out in public, more often than it ever had before he macked that reporter. For those who did vote for him, I truly hope you read about Project 2025, and if you didn’t, well, all I will say to you is that when they implement what is in Project 2025 & they are going to, I will be replying “You should be ‘HAAPPY’ you voted for this.” What is in there that has made this personal & not political aside from it now being perfectly ok to be mocked & made fun of by adults, is, what is going to happen to Medicaid, Medicare & SSD/I. It was one of the first things they were going to do, had his term renewed 4 years ago, so they already have the paperwork drawn up & it already has been submitted. All three of those are going away & not only that, they will be allowing insurance companies to once again deny someone health coverage due to ‘pre-existing conditions. If you have never had to hear insurance companies deny you coverage repeatedly due to a disability that you were born with & then find one that does, that costs so much money that you can’t afford it, or if you have never been through the process of hearing surgeons deny you a procedure (that if you do not get, you could die) repeatedly without even seeing you then those that voted for this can shut all the way the fuck up about my experience with all of this. This is what will happen from what I understood it to be: SSD/I, Medicaid, and Medicare GONE, to not be denied health insurance due to what they deem as a pre-existing condition GONE. Being able to afford the type of insurance that is the worst form of coverage anyone could have & would be impossible without the financial support that is now GONE. Also, wait and see how much things are going to cost because the disabled are not going to be the only ones being squeezed, but “Hey, you should be HAPPY you voted for this.” As I have previously posted, ‘This country has been playing checkers & they are playing chess.’ It tells me that this country 1. It is for/ok with mocking & making fun of disabled humans; 2. There is now no financial support for the disabled, 3. Those who voted for this did not pay any attention to the plans or did & believe they would not be affected & 4. In this country, no one cares for others; only its selfish, greedy, high elite & will step on anyone they can to keep it. Look, I hope I’m completely wrong; my gut instinct is definitely telling me I’m not. There were signs of this coming, and I am beside myself how humanity allowed it anyway. If you missed them saying, ‘It only takes changing one line of code in the voting system’ & then ‘We don’t need your votes, don’t vote, we already have the votes’ weeks before voting, then maybe more attention should have been given before even going to the polls. Honestly, at this point, it does not matter & frankly, I couldn’t care less what anyone who voted for this thinks because, to me, they/you are no different & by the time it’s realized, it will have long passed being too late so yeah ‘you should be HAPPY, you voted for this.’